Anger and Resentment ~ Self Hypnosis

Its time for another video for you. This video won’t be for everyone who is reading this right now, but it will be here for future reference for those that don’t need it at the moment. Some of you are going through some pretty tough times.  For some of...

Science vs. Spirituality

I’m sharing a Gregg Braden video in this post.  This man is my hero.  I was raised Roman Catholic, I was born psychic, and I have always been interested in the science behind my gifts ~ and our lives here on earth. Gregg Braden has a gift for explaining how we...

Clearing and Shielding With Archangel Michael

So, I had an interesting weekend.  We had nice weather here so I managed a nice walk at the river with my pups yesterday.  I got in some play and some R&R and some work. I did pick up on some strange energies off and on today.  I know they aren’t mine...

Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water Experiments

I wrote a blog post yesterday about Energetic Vibrations and how our thoughts and energy can affect different parts of our lives. Last month I also wrote about how our thoughts, which create our emotions, can help create chronic physical pain in our bodies. Intention...

Guided Meditation to Clear Your Chakras

I came across this video a few weeks ago and thought I would share it with you because I have used it myself a few times and I like it. I meditate every day.  Most of the time I do my own meditation to clear my chakras  but sometimes, especially if I am having an...