Energy Alert, August 27, 2017 ~ What is your shadow?

We are still in some very intense energies this weekend.  This has been ongoing all year, but in a big way since August 8th.  We are still feeling the effects of the full Solar Eclipse.  The Solar Eclipse brought whatever was in the Shadows of your life to the...

What Are Ascension Symptoms?

I’ve written a few times about the earth being downloaded with light and upgrades to ourselves and our planet.  I’ve also written about earth now being in the 5th dimension and the veils between worlds thinning somewhat.  This is a great time of Spiritual...

Energy Alert, Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ahhh…. the energy has released a little bit.  This week we’ve been bombarded with energies that didn’t exactly have us feeling at our best.  It feels so much freer today.  Anyone feel like dancing? We have been getting a lot of downloads lately.  To...