Does your spouse ‘owe’ you?

I’ve been noticing another trend lately in relationships and it is keeping a lot of you from being happy with your S.O. It is the mindset that your spouse owes you something.  Too often in relationships communication is lacking and someone ends up feeling as if...

Prayer is Energy Work on Steroids

The power of prayer.  I am sure you have heard of this before.  Prayer really does work.  Groups of people can pray over a sick person, or on a certain situation and it has been proven that there are changes with the power of prayer. We live in a quantum world. ...

The Art of Relaxing ~ How to Relax Your Mind, Body and Soul

Yesterday I wrote a blog post about our need to take it easy and relax this weekend.  I heard from a few of you that you have a really hard time just letting go and allowing yourself to relax.  You get so wound up in your head and your thoughts that you cannot even...

How do you wake up in the morning?

When I wake up in the morning, I usually lie there for about 10 minutes (sometimes much longer), and I stretch and think about all the wonderful things that I have (get) to do that day.  If I don’t have any plans, I think about all the things I could do if I...

Gratitude Works to Create Miracles

Okay, I know I have written about gratitude two days in a row already, but I want to share something really neat with you. I have been going through a little bit of financial pressure lately.  I am working quite a bit lately and we also have a construction company...