Couple More “Best Of” posts from September 2011

This first one might be timely for any of you that have experienced a relationship that involved some type of abuse.  We have just come out of Venus Retrograde and I know that relationships have shifted for a lot of you. Confused by an Abusive Relationship? So I wrote...

Just Who Are You Letting Off the Hook?

So you have someone in your life that has been a jerk to you.  Maybe they owe you money, or maybe they have done something really mean to you, or done or said something that hurt your feelings, or left you in the lurch in some way. If you were to make a choice to let...

Venus Retrograde is Almost Over ~ Have you made a shift?

Venus is about to go direct after about 5 weeks of being retrograde.  There has been a big push for change in relationships.  If your relationships are no longer serving you, you may have decided to leave and start fresh.  Even if you are in a positive relationship,...

Do You Listen to Your Intuition and/or Instincts?

You all have it you know.  That little voice inside that says to do something, or avoid something.  Thing is, you rarely listen to it when it comes to the bigger stuff. You might listen to it for the little things, like leaving early for an appointment, or phoning...