My Oh My, What “Annoying” Energy

So I’ve observed a lot of annoyed people the past little while.  I have also noticed that a lot of people are freaking out over nothing. This is the intense energy of the Supermoons/Eclipses of September.  Things can feel pretty unsettled for those that...

Are You Taking Advantage of this Energy to Transform?

Everything is changing ~ it has been changing and growing since 2012.  Are you allowing yourself to grow with the new energies? Many people who are still resonating with the old 3D reality are waiting for “The End”.  The end pretty much happened already a...

Just Who Are You Letting Off the Hook?

So you have someone in your life that has been a jerk to you.  Maybe they owe you money, or maybe they have done something really mean to you, or done or said something that hurt your feelings, or left you in the lurch in some way. If you were to make a choice to let...

I’m So Excited Today!

My son is coming home this evening!  He is 14 (will be 15 at the end of the month), and he’s been in Ontario since August 6th visiting with a friend. Remember when we were kids and we didn’t have ‘helicopter parents’ and we were allowed to go...