So I’ve observed a lot of annoyed people the past little while.  I have also noticed that a lot of people are freaking out over nothing.

This is the intense energy of the Supermoons/Eclipses of September.  Things can feel pretty unsettled for those that haven’t learned to stay in their own energy and practice awareness.  Don’t let this be you!  (if it is you though, don’t worry, there are tips below to help).

I’m going to mention the light infusions again here as well.  GROUND YOUR ENERGY.  With the light that is coming to our planet it is really easy to get spaced out.

One reason why some people are freaking out is because we are going through a transformation.  Each of us on our own, and the planet as a whole.  Some people have been fighting this transition and they feel as if things are being “done to them”.  Really it is a part of their path and we all create our own stuff, but when we have been in denial about changes that need to take place; and then they are thrust upon us to get us to transform, it can lead some people to freak a little.

Sometimes when the people around you freak out over something it is easy to get annoyed at them.  There’s not really much point to doing that though.  Some of them are being a little irrational.  Things are changing, and they feel the energy but they don’t know what the heck is going on.  Don’t let their confusion become your problem.

If you do, what will happen, via the Law of Attraction is that you will attract more ‘freaked out’ people into your space. I suppose they aren’t all ‘freaked out’, a lot of them are just really stunned and on auto pilot (ungrounded).

For example, the weather has been nice here the past few days but there have been numerous car and truck accidents on the highway.  No reason, driving conditions are good, just people not being present in their bodies.

Spread love

So, here is your energy alert of the dayStay in your own energy.  Don’t let spaced out people annoy you.  Don’t focus on how annoying people are lest you attract more of them.

Stay in your own energy, ground your energy, pay attention to your thoughts, be patient, cut others some slack, and know that this energy will pass.  If someone does something annoying, let it go and think of something else.  Distract yourself (in a positive way) while still being aware of what you are doing.

If you need to spend time alone, then try and spend time alone.  Energetically this time can be almost like an ‘open nerve’ for some ~ if this is you, then its best to protect your energy and avoid being out in it too much.


If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a phone psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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