Try this, it will change your life

Change is so hard, yet it is so easy.  We are so habituated to our patterns sometimes that any deviance from those patterns can make us feel uncomfortable.  That is the hard part, the discomfort of doing something differently. The easy part is that once you change...

Gratitude Works to Create Miracles

Okay, I know I have written about gratitude two days in a row already, but I want to share something really neat with you. I have been going through a little bit of financial pressure lately.  I am working quite a bit lately and we also have a construction company...

You Can Practice Gratitude and Still Want More

I wrote a post yesterday about Practicing Gratitude.  I had some feedback and I would like to write a follow-up for you. Some of you think that if you are grateful for what you have, you are being complacent.  That is simply not true.  Just because you are happy that...

Practicing Gratitude

One of the best ways to get more of what you want is to practice gratitude.  Do you practice gratitude? If you have a tendency to EVER say “I am grateful, but….”  Then sorry, you aren’t practicing gratitude.  Just adding the word but in there...