Valentine’s Day is a great day to show your love.  So many people put importance on what their love is going to get them or do for them on Valentine’s Day.

What if, for Valentine’s Day, you give your love your Presence?

So many of us are rushed.  We are home and we think about work.  We are at work and we think about what needs to be done at home.  We drive our cars with no awareness whatsoever about where we are or what we are doing.  We get home from where we were and have no recall of the actual drive.

Most of us could use a little more presence in our lives.  Living in the NOW can be a wonderful thing when we let it happen.  Flowers, candy, a dinner out…all nice gifts to be sure.  But how enjoyable is any of it without some presence?

You don’t want to be out for dinner looking across at the love of your life while they are on the phone with someone else, or off in never never land thinking about their workday.  Don’t do that to them.  If you have a love in your life, and you really want to give them a gift, make sure you do it with some Presence, it truly is the best gift of all.



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