Valentines Day is a time to show love.  Many of you think about Valentines Day being just for “lovers”.  Yes, it is a day for lovers, but more than just that, it is a day to show love to others.

Whether you have a significant other in your life or not, you can still feel and show love.  Show love to your kids, your extended family, your friends, people you see on the street, or as you go through your day.

I would like to take this Valentines Day to send some love from me to you.  I cannot say how much I appreciate you reading this.  I appreciate all your comments, your emails and the ‘good vibes’ you send in my direction.

Happy Valentine

Astrologically and energetically we are in a time of new.  Everything is new and in an energy of ‘looking forward’, rather than looking back.

So whether you are in a relationship, or not, know you are loved and try and look forward to a wonderful future of your creating….

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