Guided Meditation to Clear Your Chakras

I came across this video a few weeks ago and thought I would share it with you because I have used it myself a few times and I like it. I meditate every day.  Most of the time I do my own meditation to clear my chakras  but sometimes, especially if I am having an...

Are You BEing You?

You need to be you ya know. The world needs you just as you are. Not as you think maybe you should be to please anyone else.  Be you.  JUST YOU. I hate to put this in writing, BUT…. I have talked to many people today who seem to be having problems with...

Nobody & Nothing is Perfect…

Nobody/Nothing is perfect…   In order for this to be true, we need to define perfection; If we define perfection, we judge many things as imperfect; When we deem things to be imperfect, we don’t feel as good; When we don’t feel as good, we attract...

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day is a time to show love.  Many of you think about Valentines Day being just for “lovers”.  Yes, it is a day for lovers, but more than just that, it is a day to show love to others. Whether you have a significant other in your life or not, you...

Power vs. Control

We are in some very powerful times on our planet.  2014 was a really intense year for all of us.  So much came up for us to evaluate or re-evaluate.  Some things just needed to be rejigged but a LOT of stuff needed to be let go of. The good news.  Finally the energy...