We are still releasing things from our energy.  Please be patient with yourself.  This is actually a gift.

Some of you are releasing things that you thought you had already released, but it is going even deeper now.

Some of you are finding that there are “new” old things coming up to be released.

Just go with the ebb and flow of the moods and allow what needs to be released to come to the surface and then let it go.  We are in a new space in a lot of ways, and anything that comes up for you to release is a good thing.  It is coming up so that you can continue with your forward movement.

It is not one step forward two steps back anymore.  It is two steps forward, pause, release, and then more forward movement.  It is really difficult to create new things for ourselves when there is old dense energy stuck in our etheric energy fields.

Go with the flow

So, instead of being upset when these things come up (which could actually make you take a step back), see it for what it is…something to let go of so you can take your next forward steps unencumbered with past issues/energy.

Even with these old things coming up for release, you can see what is coming.  You can feel the positive things that you have created coming your way.  Hold that space for yourself.  These wonderful things are on the way.  You have started the process of creating them.  When they come, you want them to be fresh and new.  That is the reason for the releases we keep feeling.

No sense in creating a new reality for yourself if you will keep getting pulled back into old stuff.

So when you see or feel this “old stuff”, be happy.  Be happy for what it is showing you.  Be happy that it came up for release, you don’t need to carry it anymore.

Some of this stuff is really old patterns that you don’t need anymore ~ from this life and other lives.  Ah, to be free of our old baggage and limited thinking…. keep walking.  With every couple steps forward you can drop another bag.  How nice it is to know that once you release these aspects you can take your next couple of steps forward without the ‘weight’ of the baggage that you have carried up to this point.

Lighter and lighter and lighter….

So for today, if you need rest, then rest.  If you need to work, then work.  If you need to meditate then meditate.  Go with the flow, what needs to happen will happen if you don’t fight it.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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