new moon in cancer july 15 2015


Pretty intense energies this New Moon.  We’ve had such infusions of light lately.  A lot of you have not been sleeping very well the past week or so.  I think this might improve in the next few days if it hasn’t already.  Ahhhh to have a good sleep, how refreshing when you can get it.

With these infusions of light and with the Sun and Moon both in Cancer there are a lot of feelings coming up for us all.

Please focus on LOVE.  There is a lot going on in our world and love is what will help get you through.

Practice awareness today, and practice loving energy.   Be constructive, those that aren’t allowing the light and love to flow through them are feeling like attacking right now and can be quite reactive. It takes two to have a fight, don’t be one of them. You don’t have to let people walk all over you but you can stand in your own light.  There are also planetary energies from Mercury and Mars that may bring up some buried anger and frustration in some people.

New Moons are an ideal time to write down your plans and hopes for the future, to focus on what you want to see manifest in your life.  So keep your thoughts positive, and proactive, and stay in awareness and love, and manifest your best future (even if it takes a bit before it shows up).




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