Are you WILLING to have a dimensional shift that works for you? Or are you deciding to fight it?

Go With The Flow and Change

Our world IS CHANGING. Trying to hold onto the old might end up being painful. These changes can be very positive by the way. Growth can be uncomfortable, yet it can work out really well in the long run. Look at alternative energy sources, for example. Many of them will be very good for the planet, yet those who are invested in oil/gas/pipelines will feel discomfort ~ unless they learn to go with the flow and change something (which starts in the thoughts/feelings/vibrations).

Things Cannot Change AND Stay The Same

A lot of the time people say they want things to change but they are unwilling to let go of anything. If you want things to be different, things need to be different…..

More personally, things cannot change AND stay the same and sometimes you can seriously mess yourself up if you don’t let go!!

Let Go, Let Go, Letting Go…

For example, if you are having a hard time paying your mortgage but you won’t let go of your house to find something that you can afford better. Even if your ENTIRE life is miserable because you are hanging onto that house, you refuse to change anything.

This is a key point with how energy works. You think that having this house is the ONE THING that makes you happy. But you aren’t happy. You either need to let go of your feelings about all the other stuff and focus ONLY on how grateful and happy you are with your current house. OR you need to let that current house go. Or at the very least, let go of your FEELINGS around hanging on to that house.

We get what we are a vibrational match to. If you are stressed about affording your house and constantly thinking of losing your house, you will simply attract more expenses that keep it hard to afford your house. And hanging onto your house could actually work against you. Some people will hang on so tight that they end up losing their house to the bank rather than selling it when they were struggling.

If you focus more on keeping your house, loving your house, focusing on ways to make more money to afford your house, your chances of keeping the house are better. If you get into a mindset of trusting things to work out, then you will know you will have a home, even if it isn’t the current one. And you trust that you will end up where you are meant to be.

Much love, Tamara

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