December 2023 Energy Update

Just in case you missed this one! The “Don’t Try To Push The River! | December 2023 Energy Update.” I don’t always get exact dates when these messages come through to me from our Peeps. So, December’s 2023 Energy Update very likely covers some of January, February, and possibly March 2024.

Take advantage of the months’ slower, more faded chrysalis energy. And while the element of water and rails (e.g. trains, subways) are definitely December’s energetic motifs, know that personally, you will be okay. Listen to your intuition. Yes, the energy is a bit slow, but know that your inspirations and intentions from over the past 6 weeks or so will happen. Be patient. Don’t give up and don’t talk yourself out of forward movement. You are being encouraged to step out of your old stories, you no longer need to live in them. We are in new times and this includes you and whatever story you have been telling yourself about who you are.

Pay attention to your thoughts and the frequency of your intention-setting, and be sure to avoid any negative goal-setting. It’s also best to avoid the divide and conquer, right and wrong, fight this and that, fear-spreading, “humanity sucks” media content. Always of course but especially this month and moving forward. The BEST way to protest is to trust and flow your intuition, follow your heart, and trust your OWN discernment. Do what your Higher Self knows is right for you.

Always with Love and Light, ​




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