NOW OFFERING!: Private Energy Healing Sessions with Millennium Method
I am now offering my favourite way to do energy healing work these days, Millennium Method Energy Healing Readings. The Millennium Method was developed by Canadian, certified Yuen practitioner, Jessica Taylor. It is intuitive, quick and easy and allows us to do a lot of healing energy work in the time we spend together. Millennium Method uses beautiful fractal art decks of cards, and combines elements and principles of the C1-vertabra, acupuncture, quantum psychics, energy, western and Traditional Chinese medicine, and toxicology.
NEW! Tamara Hawk Online Store
Introducing my NEW! online store the, Tamara Hawk shop featuring Empowering perspectives and...
Don’t Mistake Spiritual Bypassing for Positivity
Being positive doesn’t mean that you don’t feel your feelings or that you never have negative feelings. It IS unhealthy (does not serve your highest and best good) to push down your feelings, the energy then just gets stuck in your body. Being “positive” and not allowing yourself to acknowledge, fully feel and process your feelings is spiritual bypassing (or emotional bypassing).
The Time Is Now! Choose Your Dimension
It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. What we focus on, we create. So you need to focus on what you want to see in your life and in the world. There is so much positivity, so much love in the world. So keep your focus there. I guarantee you will keep seeing more of it when you do.
Remember Who You Are ~ A Child of Light & Love
I always ask myself, “What am I thinking about?” to gauge where and what I am choosing to focus on in the moment. It’s important to remember, that YOU ARE a part of the collective consciousness. YOU. And the only way to raise the vibration of the planet is to raise YOUR own vibration first.
Do You Really Want To Pick A Side?
We all came here on purpose to experience the ascension of the planet. We all came here for different reasons ~ some wanted to hold space energetically, some wanted to get right involved in the game. And ALL “sides” have their roles to play in the change and upgrading (Ascension) of the planet. But you don’t have to pick a “side”. However, it is your choice if you want to play the 3D reality game or if you want to practice being in the 5th Dimension. Whatever you decide, just choose Love. Always Love.
How To Make 2021 A Better Year Than 2020
Everyone is wanting to know if 2021 is going to be a better year. So, I figured I should do a “Prediction 2021” video and share with you the secret of making 2021 a better year than last – even if 2020 was a good year for you.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 30, 2020 – Energy Alert
This will be a short post I think but I really wanted to share with you. Now is a time to release!...
Energy Alert/Update Oct 27-2020
Hey everyone, So I'm working on getting better at videos, its a work in progress. I try and do...
Energy Alert ~ The Light is Getting Stronger ~ Don’t Fall for the Narrative – July 29, 2020
I was just sitting and minding my own business yesterday and my peeps came in with a message on...
FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing
Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!
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