Two More “Best Of” posts from October 2011 ~ Relationships
I want to share a couple of my older posts with you again today. Some of these are timeless. Both...
You Must Ask for What You Want
As we go through life we need to learn how to ask for what we want. As children we were good at...
Why do we always have to push so much?
Sometimes we simply need to listen to our bodies and rest. How many of you reading this have...
What if There is Nothing Left to OVER-COME? Now it is time to BE-COME
For years now we have been in an energy of letting go, overcoming challenges, removing blocks,...
Wayne Dyer How To Get What You Really, Really Want
I know that some of you are familiar with Wayne Dyer, however I also know from speaking to you...
Angel Card Reading for the Week – Sept 28-Oct 4, 2015
Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, Sept 28- Oct 4, 2015 Overview of the energy...
You Have Freedom Right in this Moment
Think about that. Right this second, as you are reading these words ~ you have freedom. Your...
Dependency ~ it is NOT a positive vibration
We need to get away from this energy of dependency. It is not healthy for the dependent person,...
Abraham Hicks on Divorce, Family and Other Relationships
This is an awesome audio. I know that many of you are going through the end of relationships...
My Oh My, What “Annoying” Energy
So I've observed a lot of annoyed people the past little while. I have also noticed that a lot of...
FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing
Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!
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