3 Things You Need To Know Going Into 2024
Our Peeps/guides, offer some real-world advice on what you can do for yourself now, and how to help you (and humanity as a whole) move forward in making 2024 a really good year!
Don’t Try To Push The River
You are being encouraged (and supported by your Higher Self, angels, and guides) to step out of your old stories, you no longer need to live in them. We are in new times and this includes you and whatever story you have been telling yourself about who you are.
Energize Your November 2023: What to Expect and Work on this Month
We are all such powerful creators. YOU ARE SUCH A POWERFUL CREATOR. Focusing on what you DO want to see more, manifest more of, and attract more of in your life feels better. And it puts more New Earth energy (peace, love, joy, freedom, gratitude, appreciation, happiness, contentment..) out into the collective and helps to make a better world.
6 BIG New Moon Solar Eclipse Energetic Themes
Some of the BIG energetic themes that have been coming up with this new moon solar eclipse on October 14th, are reminding us to let go of regrets.
An Unpopular Opinion About Psychic Protection
What we focus on we attract and experience more of. So, do you really NEED psychic protection and shielding?
September 2023 New Moon Energy Alert
We are coming into a time this week where it is time to decide if we will live our purpose (inner and outer purpose), or not. Many things have been changing, falling away, or simply coming up into our awareness for our attention. Are you listening? Do not let fear stop you.
Don’t Let Fear Stop You!
I know this will help some of you out! Especially with the energy we are in right now. We’ve got some pretty forward moving and fast energies going on right now!! If you are undecided what to do next, this video will help!!
How To Manifest What You DO WANT
Here is an Energy Alert video for you for this Full Moon in Pisces on August 30, 2023. Watch to get tips on where we are, how to manifest in a more helpful and supported way, and what to do with these energies that we are feeling.
Don’t Hold Yourself Back!
Some of the major, collective, energetic themes and guidance for August 2023, the full moon, and beyond will involve: ✩ Dreams, stress, and release ✩ Stepping outside of comfort zones and growth ✩ Change, contrast, and resistance ✩ Community and fitting in ✩ Mindfulness Vibe Check: fear and untruths.
FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing
Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!
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