What Do You Really Expect?
You really do get what you expect to get. How you are treated, your financial situation, in...
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions ‘Stick’ in 2015
Make Sure Your New Year's Resolutions Are Really Yours So often in our lives we do things simply...
Why we see 11:11 so much (and other repetitive numbers)
Many of you are seeing repetitive numbers… all the time! You look at the clock and it says 11:11,...
Conciously Create Through Awareness
Look within to create the life you want. The Law of Attraction is real. It isn’t often taught in...
My (Formerly) Haunted House
I live in a house that was built in around 1896 or so. The history books state 1896, but I had a...
What Does Claircognizance Mean?
Claircognizance Defined Clair = Clear; Cognizance = Knowing Claircognizance is another "6th...
What is Clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance Defined Clair = clear; voyance = to see Clairvoyance is a sixth sense. It is the...
Do You Appreciate Yourself?
You are always hearing about the need to appreciate what you have and to appreciate the people in...
Am I an Empath?
Most people are familiar with the word empathy, however, there are many souls on earth who take...
What if…?
What if you really could have anything you want? When you are thinking or talking, and you say...
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