The Story of 10

I wrote this story about 8 years ago and never published it because, at the time, it was incomplete. Well, my beautiful soul of an assistant pulled it up from the archives a year ago and after channeling a bit more information for you all, I feel it is timely to...

Should You Manifest OR Grind?

I am always talking about taking it easy and going with your flow. So, how do we manifest what we want? Do we take it easy? Or, do we GRIND to get things done? The Universe likes and responds to inspired action. So, manifesting what you want in your life will...

You Are So VERY Power-full!

I was inspired to channel this message from my Peeps for you. Perhaps, because of the amplified energies we are currently living in, some of you may need to hear (or be reminded) of this message right now. Much Love! Tamara NEXT>> Should You Manifest OR Grind?...

Energy Update for Last of May & Into Summer 2023

Integrity, Empathy, and Your Vibrational Set Point Everything is more amplified right now ~ the positive and the not-so-positive. Knowing what your vibrational set-point is can be helpful. So, you can shift it if you don’t like it. Or if your setpoint is no...

Developing Your Intuition

How Important Is The Pineal Gland? It’s Not As Complicated As You Think How important is it for you to focus on your pineal gland? Who else is stuck on “trying” to develop their intuition by focusing on 3D body stuff? Developing your psychicness and...

How To Manifest Better

We Get What We Focus On, Not Just What We Say We Want! We are manifesting 100% of the time whether we realize it or not. The hard part is paying attention to what our feelings are and what our thoughts are when we are having those feelings. That is why so many of you...