Why You Need To Ground Your Energy

As I was sitting here pondering what to write about today, I came to the realization that I was slightly ungrounded.  My first thought was, I need to ground my energy so that I can actually sit and do some writing. I have committed myself to doing a blog post every...

Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water Experiments

I wrote a blog post yesterday about Energetic Vibrations and how our thoughts and energy can affect different parts of our lives. Last month I also wrote about how our thoughts, which create our emotions, can help create chronic physical pain in our bodies. Intention...

What is Energetic Vibration?

In my readings and my blog posts I often refer to “Vibration”.  When I say Vibration, I am talking about the energy that is emitted by something.  I thought I would write a post to explain vibration so that when you read or hear my words you will know what I am...

Guided Meditation to Clear Your Chakras

I came across this video a few weeks ago and thought I would share it with you because I have used it myself a few times and I like it. I meditate every day.  Most of the time I do my own meditation to clear my chakras  but sometimes, especially if I am having an...

Do You Do What You Say You Are Going to Do?

Do you make commitments?  Do you keep your commitments? Vibrationally speaking, it is important that you do what you say you are going to do. When you break your commitments, you are energetically connecting with a specific morphic energy field.  It is not one of the...

Gratitude Works to Create Miracles

Okay, I know I have written about gratitude two days in a row already, but I want to share something really neat with you. I have been going through a little bit of financial pressure lately.  I am working quite a bit lately and we also have a construction company...