It’s OKAY To Have A Down Day

Do you ever have those days where you think: “What’s wrong with me?”Maybe, there is NOTHING ‘wrong’ with you. Everyone gets sad once in a while. Sometimes it’s a full-out depression for seemingly no reason at all. I just experienced...

December 2022 Energy Forecast

For the first little bit of December, the energy will be somewhat anxious. So, don’t bother arguing and take the time to respect each other’s perspectives. There will still be a LOT of misinformation on all sides, and it won’t be apparent for a while what is...

How To Change Your Life

We all have an energy field or aura that surrounds us that both attracts and repels things towards and away from us, and our thoughts impact this field. The more positive our thoughts are the more positive things we attract, and the more negative people and things we...

October 2022 Energy Update

Energetically, there will be somewhat more of the same in October as there was last month. However, we will definitely have some days of a reprieve from the intense energies of the times we are currently living in. Going to your Heart Space and being in community is...

September Energy Update 2022

The anxiety and depression energies of August will be less in September with a ton of nervous and inspiration energy coming up around the full moon on the 10th. For some of you, this will motivate you to make changes. This is a good month to expand your learning and...