For the first little bit of December, the energy will be somewhat anxious. So, don’t bother arguing and take the time to respect each other’s perspectives. There will still be a LOT of misinformation on all sides, and it won’t be apparent for a while what is true. Be discerning and connect with your higher self and your own Source to figure out your own next steps. Your intuition, your higher self, and your Source are there to guide you for your own highest and BEST GOOD.

Throughout the month there will be energetic themes around:
• Earth Shifts
• Religion/Faith/Belief Shifts
• Respiratory Illnesses
• Motivation and Stamina
• Heart Chakra Energy ~ Our heart chakra is the bridge between the earth and Spirit, it connects the lower chakras to the upper chakras. If you are experiencing blocks concerning your heart chakra ~ respiratory illnesses, feeling stagnant in your growth, feeling the desire to be rescued ~ gratitude, like doing daily gratitude lists can help to open your heart center. And so can heart chakra meditations and energy healing.

Your heart chakra helps with Integration, transformation, and connection. An open heart chakra with the energy of love can transmute emotions and help with balance, calmness, and feeling more content or fulfilled.

To help you with these energies and your chakra healing and balancing, I will be starting my long-distance, group, 21-day, December 2022 Energy Clearing and Healing Session on Thursday, December 8th, which is a full moon. Because Full Moons are great for helping us in clearing out the old, and that which is no longer serving our highest and BEST GOOD! Online registration is still open, so you secure your spot here.

Much Love and Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Needing A Chakra Reactivation? Or To Clear Old Energies, Blocks, and Attachments?
A long-distance, 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Session supports your energy’s expansion and healing giving you a boost in any aspect of your life. NEXT SESSION: DECEMBER 2023

Wanting To Develop and Expand Your Ascension and Awakening?
Learn more about creating your reality, manifestation, Laws of Attraction and Vibration with
Psychic Coaching & Mentoring and move forward consciously creating the abundant, empowering life you are meant to live!

Raise your vibe and focus on abundance with the hardcopy Amazon version of my 30-Day Gratitude Journal: Personal Training For Your Soul, featuring gratitude quotes and more from yours truly!

FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing

Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!

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