I made a May 2022 Energy Forecast video for you about this month’s energetic influences, including the big energies at the beginning, middle and end of month. You can come back and refer to it throughout the month of May.

Here are some highlights of this month’s themes:

  • RESPONDING vs. REACTING ~ Buttons will get pushed; Don’t get sucked into old patterns, responses, etc.; The old stories are over.
  • EXTERNAL (3D) DRAMA and COLLECTIVE PANIC ~ Focus on YOU; Keep your vibe high.
  • CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS RISING ~ You are supported in making changes; Less pushing and planning, more flowing and allowing for inspired action.
  • HEARTSPACE EXPANSION ~ Be extra kind to others and yourself; The vibration of the planet is rising, we are ascending more every day.

Everything is working out and will be OKAY. Just don’t get sucked into a lower vibrational space with what is going on in the 3D world. Listen to your intuitive self, stay in your own energy, and keep your vibe as high you can.

Much Love!
Tamara Hawk

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