Here’s what July COULD have in store for you if you listen to your intuition instead of your fears:

Schumann Resonance Is Off The Charts

Earth’s heartbeat has been ramping up. The Schumann Resonance has been getting higher – last I looked was over 80 – normal is 7.8. Quite a few years ago, maybe in 2013 or so.  I saw a vision. In it, there was light coming from above.  The light was coming in through my crown chakra and it went right through my body and into the earth. Then the light started to rise through the earth and was rising up around me – it looked much like a tide coming in. I was told at that time SEVEN BILLION. I had no idea what it meant and I did forget about it after a while. 

Then with the Earth’s heartbeat rising, my Peeps brought that vision to my attention again. They said that the light coming through US (the 7 plus billion) was a large part of what is raising the vibration of the planet – the Schumann resonance.

Let The Old Go To Make Way For The New

Lots of intuitive things have been coming up for clearing over the past while. Are you listening? Do we need to be constantly clearing things out or do we just need to pay attention?

Don’t Fall For The Fear and Guilt Programming

I’ve noticed a lot of PROGRAMMING around money lately too. A LOT.  I don’t even search it out and I’m still seeing it.  88% of families are ‘struggling’ — subconsciously, this can create guilt for you if you are not struggling…. Guilt is a lower vibration

With so much talk about how bad things are, and how scared people are –  These ideas get into our subconscious human brains and make us afraid for our safety and security. Even if you are normally okay, you can’t help but see and feel the fear ‘out there’. Notice the past few years, if you didn’t fall for feeling unsafe in the past few years – the programming says, ‘This one will do it’: We can make people fear losing their house, their jobs, their ability to get food… their security. Everything that is being put out there (media, politics, etc.) is to divide us all. It is okay to be feeling okay when there is suffering out in the world. It’s gonna stay weird out in the 3D world drama, so don’t let yourself be scared by it.

Together We Are Stronger

Community is important…. Unity is important, we need to come together.  We have spent so much time clearing out our “friends list” over the last few weeks. People have been leaving our lives. The reason for this is because it is time to come back together with OUR people. Find your people, together we are stronger.  We don’t need more fighting or trying to convince people of things, we need more friendships and unity; less judging. 

Things are moving along exactly as they should be….  Sometimes things need to come to the surface before they can be healed and get better. Many of you perceive this as “things need to get worse before they get better” – but it is all a matter of perspective.

An Auspicious Time

July, especially leading up to and around the Full Moon on the 13th will be quite auspicious if we let it.  Remember what I said earlier about feeling guilty about being okay — you need to ALLOW things to be good for you, lest you block it. But exercise patience this month; slow and steady wins the race.

A lot of people are experiencing ascension symptoms right now, and heart space expansion continues. So now, more than ever maybe, it is important to be more in your hearts instead of in your heads so much and listen to your intuition (e.g. dreams, inspirations, feelings, inner knowing, repetitive numbers…)

With Love, Peace and Light,
Tamara ❤️

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