by Tamara Hawk | Aug 13, 2021
When you are under pressure, stress or experiencing challenges in life do you revert back to old patterns? Or do you revert back to Source? Connecting to Source energy is very powerful, empowering and simple. You A Part of God Light/Source What Is Source? Source...
by Tamara Hawk | Aug 6, 2021
Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it… Clearing Things Off Your Plate Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 19, 2021
It surprised me to learn from a recent psychic reading client, that like meditation many people don’t know how or think they don’t know how to journal. I have been journaling every day since I about 15 years old, when my grandmother told me that if I...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 21, 2021
Are you WILLING to have a dimensional shift that works for you? Or are you deciding to fight it? Go With The Flow and Change Our world IS CHANGING. Trying to hold onto the old might end up being painful. These changes can be very positive by the way. Growth can be...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 4, 2021
You have things you need to let go of to allow positive changes to occur, and it might just be your thinking. We are in a great time of change. We have so many opportunities right now to make and allow for very positive changes in our lives. Are you listening to...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 23, 2021
Why do you quit? Why do you fail? Because you start by pushing yourself. Rather than feeling good and getting into alignment with what you want, you feel into how things are now… of what you don’t like about your life, of how unworthy you are now. And you...