by Tamara Hawk | Dec 19, 2021
We are stronger together and the more love energy we put out into the world, the less drama and negativity there will be out there. I am a firm believer that love is much stronger than some of the other energies that are out there. After all, Source is Love and we are...
by Tamara Hawk | Aug 6, 2021
Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it… Clearing Things Off Your Plate Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 21, 2021
Are you WILLING to have a dimensional shift that works for you? Or are you deciding to fight it? Go With The Flow and Change Our world IS CHANGING. Trying to hold onto the old might end up being painful. These changes can be very positive by the way. Growth can be...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 7, 2021
Open Yourself Up To A Potential New Future We are in a time of great change. I know I say this all the time, but it’s true. That’s why I keep saying it. I do these energy alerts when some of the more noticeable changes are taking place. And right...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 9, 2021
Being positive doesn’t mean that you don’t feel your feelings or that you never have negative feelings. It IS unhealthy (does not serve your highest and best good) to push down your feelings, the energy then just gets stuck in your body. Being “positive”...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 1, 2021
This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and...