Rebirthing and Patience – August 24, 2022 Energy Update
BE patient, is going to be okay. Just don’t try and rush through this rebirthing process ~ don’t rush things, don’t rush through your decisions; rebirthing is a process that takes time. You don’t want to end up with second-rate things, things you didn’t bargain for or things that are NOT for your highest and best good.
An Attitude Of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude doesn’t mean that you ignore your negative feelings, it just means, that each day, you write down the things you are actually grateful for in that moment. Try closing your gratitudes with a “Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!” What you put your focus on expands and amplifies; putting your focus on the good in your life ~ even if just for a few minutes a day ~ brings more good things to focus on and be grateful for. Remember, nothing is too small to be grateful for.
Energy Update for August 15th, 2022
Over the past week, many of us have been anxious and out of our NOW moments. Whether anxiety is a regular thing for you or not, it’s just been “more” lately for everyone. If you have been feeling it, it’s important to remember that generally anxiety is from being in your future too much, instead of your moment.
Current Global Energies, Right Now ~ August 2022
It is so important to focus on yourself and keep yourself as calm and stress-free as possible, lest you get too stressed out to think straight.
What Are We Creating As A Collective and How We Can Do Better
If we, en masse could realize how powerful our energy is, and we started feeling LOVE and joy and gratitude instead of ANGER and fear and blame, and focusing on what we WANT as opposed to what we DON’T WANT ~ all of this reality would crumble and have ZERO chance of actually happening. THIS IS SCIENCE ~ Quantum Physics.
July Energy Forecast 2022 ~ A Good Luck Month
Some of these energies already started leading up to the month of July. But here’s what’s in store for you, if you listen to your intuition instead of your fears: this is a very auspicious time; slow and steady wins the race; be mindful of programming, unity and togetherness and much much more.
2-Minute Guided Visualization and Meditation
You may wish to use this 2-minute breathwork, guided meditation as an introduction to your own longer meditation practice. Or just on its own. Remember you are Love, Love is light, Light is love. You are eternal and limitless, a beautiful glowing part of all that God Source IS!
New Earth: How To Navigate 3D and 5D
In the higher dimensions you realize that you CREATE your future, you don’t PREDICT YOUR FUTURE. If we want to create our reality, we need to be able to imagine it first.
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
Your pets do go to Heaven and you will see them when you get there. If you can remember that your pets came here to spend time with you — often to assist you through certain phases of your life — and think of them fondly after they’re gone, they will be happier in spirit.
June 2022 Energy Forecast
June, overall, will be much easier than May. This month is all about going with the flow; allowing yourself to let go of the old, so that the new can come. Listening to your heart. Don’t worry about the details of what you are creating and co-creating. Trying to micro-manage or control things will just block your flow.
FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing
Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!
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